What is the payout schedule?
You can now request payouts on demand, there is no longer a set schedule to payouts.
To make a payout request, just go to "accounting" in your seller panel. Then, select the "plus" + sign button to request a withdrawal.You can currently request any amount up to the current balance of your account for items you have shipped with tracking or $3000, whichever is lower. Our payment processor currently has an upper limit of $3000 per seller per day.
You can make withdrawal requests as often as you'd like, the first withdrawal of each calendar month is free. The month for payouts starts on the 1st and ends on the last day of each month.
Each withdrawal after the first free one each calendar month is subject to a $1.00 fee.
Please note in order for withdrawals to be approved, orders must be marked as shipped with a verified tracking number.
Withdrawal requests made for an amount above what has been shipped with tracking may not be immediately approved, or may be subject to payment delay of up to 60 days.
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